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Conference talks


  • Invited talk: Research Seminar Neuroradiology (Oct. 24), TU Munich, Germany

    • Title: "Bayesian graphical networks for perceptual inference and decision-making"
  • Invited talk: Labmeeting Rademaker Group (Aug. 9), ESI Frankfurt, Germany

    • Title: "Active Inference of Social Context in Health and Disorder"
  • Invited talk: DKP 2024 (June 11 - 15), Berlin, Germany (Symposium: Formal modelling of interpersonal and social mechanisms in psychopathology)

    • Title: "Interpersonal interactions and active inference: a simulation-based analysis in mental disorder"
  • Invited talk: PuG 2024 (May 29 - June 1st, 2024), Hamburg, Germany (Symposium: Perception under uncertainty)

    • Title: "Cross-Modality Evidence for Reduced Choice History Biases in Psychosis-Prone Individuals"
  • Talk: Mind Brain Body Symposium (March 11 - March 13, 2024), Berlin, Germany

    • Title: "Bayesian Causal Inference Underlies Tactile Sensory Attenuation"

Conference posters


  • Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN), Oxford, UK
  • Computational Psychiatry, Dublin, Ireland
  • Uncertainty Workshop, Rauischholzhausen, Germany


  • Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog:innen (TeaP), online, @home


  • European Conference of Visual Perception (ECVP), Leuven, Belgium


  • Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog:innen (TeaP), Marburg, Germany